Ticket Tribe faq

Frequently asked questions

No ticket fees? How's that possible?

That's right. Ticket Tribe will not charge you anything per every ticket sold. In order to receive payments you need to use a payment processor (Stripe) and they charge a small fee for every transaction.

How do I get paid for the tickets sold?

You'll need a Stripe account. They are very easy to use and their transaction processing fees are low.

Can I sell tickets from my existing site?

Yes. You can just copy-paste our widget to your existing website and start selling tickets on your site in minutes.

Do I need a website to sell tickets?

No. You can use our customizable event pages and just direct your customers there.

Can I use it for a free event?

Yes. You can use it to register attendees to a free event. You can use our free check-in app to validate tickets on event day.

I won't need Ticket Tribe every month. Do I still need to pay?

No. You can switch your account to a free package any time you won't need the system.